When you are planning to commence any excavation project, utility location services should be at the top of your pre-work measure list. Undoubtedly, underground utilities offer an array of advantages, but they also generate a complex maze of cables and lines that run underneath our cities.
To ensure safe excavation without risking the structure of existing utility grid, you need to hire professional underground utility locating services provider who has in-depth industry knowledge & experience to deliver accurate mapping.
There are two types of utility locating method: active locating service and passive locating service. The locator should know which method should be used and when. Let's dig further to gain a better understanding of both the methods and identify which is a better one.
1. Active Locating Services
Active utility locating services works best when one need to locate a specific utility that runs uninterrupted, which has a continuous metallic connection from end to end. Utility location services provider sends an electromagnetic (EM) frequency on one end and transmitted down its length.
A surface receiver picks up the signal and traces it across the ground surface. Once traced and marked, the locator maps the line for your reference. With the help of this mapping, you can plan your excavation whilst avoiding that line.
Furthermore, There are Two Kinds of Active Service Locating Methods:
- Conductive Locating – In this method, a transmitter is directly attached to the utility line which produces an EM field on the outer field.
- Inductive Locating – It is used when there is no possibility of a direct connection. In this method, EMF is introduced to the line by placing the transmitted directly above it over the ground.
- Locate a conductive or metallic utility line with an uninterrupted content from end to end.
- Suitable for locating utilities with the presence of cathodic protection or tracing wire.
- Rail services
2. Passive Locating Services
While active utility location is a great method to acquire specific and accurate information about specific utility lines that run under a property, there are certain scenarios where it isn't effective.
For instance, when there are broken pipes, interrupted lines or non-metallic pipes (plastic/concrete), the frequency won't be transmitted across the entire length, making it difficult to fully trace it. This is where passive utility location method can help. It allows us to identify and map unknown lines as well.
One of the most popular passive utility location methods is ground penetrating radar (GPR). It allows us to map the complete surface beneath the ground which includes not only utilities but also other features which you might not be aware of, such as old wells, obstacles or voids.
- To locate broken utilities or where frequency can't be transmitted fully
- For locating non-conductive lines or pipes
- Used when access points are unknown
- Performed at the end to ensure no utility is missed
Final Thoughts
All in all, settling on which is a better underground utility locating services method depends upon the project needs. Every method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the location of the utilities, there's also a possibility of conducting both methods in a single project itself. You might not always be aware of what type of situation is underneath – it's better to leave it in the expert's hands to find out.
Author's Bio:Jon Armstrong is an expert of underground pipe & cable location in Geelong offering extensive experience of underground utility mapping and locating methods. Jon Armstrong is closely associated with GeoScan Utility & Structural Investigation which is a renowned underground utility locating services company in Geelong. To get a quote, you can call on 0417 309 710.